Original Sailor Moon Anime to Rerun on Japanese TV

Sailor Moon Crystal

This article from the Anime News Network got me thinking about the new Sailor Moon Crystal anime.

I love that Sailor Moon has come back in BIG WAY this past year. Sailor Moon Crystal debuted in Japan last July – and was available in the U.S. via Hulu, released

weekly one episode at a time. Hulu was also streaming the original series released simultaneously every Monday. I remember catching episodes before school (a million years ago) but I never got to see all of them, thanks to the way American TV works and my schedule. I was super excited to hear that Naoko Takeuchi had created a “new” series based more closely on the manga, but I was EVEN MORE excited to hear that I could watch all the original episodes IN ORDER! (Finally.)

Sailor Moon Manga vol 1 coverIf you’re a big Sailor Moon fan like I am, or even if you’re not (yet), it’s worth checking out the manga series available at your local library before, after, or while enjoying the new anime series.


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